Hi there!

I'm Daniel Huigens, or twiss. I'm based in Amsterdam.

I'm the cryptography team lead at Proton (the developer of Proton Mail, Calendar, Drive, and VPN). In that capacity, I'm the lead maintainer of OpenPGP.js and go-crypto, both of which implement the OpenPGP standard of encryption.

I'm also a co-author of the OpenPGP crypto-refresh draft standard, which aims to modernize the cryptography used in OpenPGP. I also contributed to Key Overwriting (KO) Attacks against OpenPGP, which presents novel exploits against vulnerabilities in OpenPGP (which are fixed in the crypto refresh).

I also volunteered as editor of the Web Cryptography API specification. There, I aim to modernize the cryptographic primitives available in the Web Crypto API. To start, I authored the Secure Curves in the Web Cryptography API draft specification, which proposes to add Curve25519 and Curve448 to Web Crypto.

Prior to working at Proton, I created Airborn, a private (end-to-end encrypted) document (and presentation) editor.

My GitHub: twiss, GitLab: twisstle.

My email: reveal.

Thanks for hopping by!

P.S. You can change the background by changing your local time, waiting for it to change, or modifying the clock in the bottom right. The one at 22:22 is my favorite, what's yours? :)
